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Luzonensis Osteoporosis

Luzonensis Osteoporosis

Director:Glenn Barit

葛倫.巴瑞特 / Glenn Barit 菲律賓電影導演、音效設計師和配樂師。作品經常以充滿趣味的形式反映身份認同、階級鬥爭和地域主義。



Filipino filmmaker, sound designer, and scorer. His works often reflect identity, class struggle, and regionalism, usually in a playful form.

Cleaners, his debut feature film, won Best Film, Best Screenplay and Audience Choice Award at the QCinema IFF 2019. It has since screened in Busan IFF, Taipei Golden Horse FF and Torino FF among others.

His latest short film, Luzonensis Osteoporosis won NETPAC Jury Prize and Audience Choice Award at the QCinema IFF 2022.

It then premiered in Tallinn Black Nights FF (PÖFF Shorts) 2023 and Fantasia IFF 2023 among others.

25歲的Luzonensis是名現代穴居人,他看起來像古代尼安德塔人,但言行舉止與現代人無異。和許多菲律賓人一樣,Luzonensis想到海外尋找更好的工作機會。飛機起飛前幾個小時,Luzonensis弄丟了護照,他與父親Mang Boyet,回到過去3小時去過的地方,企圖找回護照。

在他們往返尋找的過程中,真相和他們當前的處境浮出水面,原來Mang Boyet在國外工作了30年,Luzonensis對離開其實有所顧慮,父子二人的身分被揭露並受到挑戰。


最終,鏡頭將觀眾帶回到山洞裡的家,Luzonensis在不同的房間裡徘徊,Mang Boyet終於發現,護照一直都在兒子身上,距離飛機起飛的時間剩下不多,所有人都在等待Luzonensis做出決定。 Luzonensis, 25, is a caveman in the present world. He looks like an archaic/neanderthal man but he speaks and acts like a modern human being. Like a lot of Filipinos, he intends to work overseas for a better job opportunity. Hours before his flight, he discovers that he has lost his passport. With the help of his father, Mang Boyet, they return to places they went to in the last 3 hours to find the missing passport.

In the different stops they return to, truths and their current dispositions emerge ── Mang Boyet has also worked abroad for 30 years, and Luzonensis has apprehensions about leaving. Their identities are revealed and challenged.

When they arrive at their last stop, their home in a cave. Luzonensis meanders in its different chambers. Mang Boyet finally finds the passport. It is with Luzonensis all along. After finding it, they still have time to head back to the airport. We all wait for Luzonensis to decide.

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