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Petit Cahier de Cinema

Petit Cahier de Cinema

Director:HUANG Pang-Chuan

黃邦銓 / HUANG Pang-Chuan 黃邦銓,出生於台灣高雄,畢業於le Fresnoy法國當代藝術中心。《回程列車》與《去年火車經過的時候》兩部作品連續兩年獲得法國克萊蒙費宏實驗競賽首獎,作品於盧卡諾、MoMA紀錄片雙週及IDFA阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展放映。 HUANG Pang-Chuan's work, both of his films Return and Last Year:When the Train Passed by have won The Lab Grand Prix in Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, two years in a row, they were also presented at major festivals, such as Locarno Festival, IDFA, MoMA Doc Fortnight.

這是一部用紅酒、紅茶以及咖啡沖洗的紀錄片。 This is a documentary developed with red wine, black tea, and coffee.

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