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Malu ume

Malu ume

Director:Pitu Hane

林丞恩 / Pitu Hane

畢業於義守大學傳播與設計學院原住民專班,目前就讀國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所。來自南投縣仁愛鄉Truku德鹿谷村,賽德克族人。個人喜歡透過影像紀錄當代日常,也喜歡透過影像紀錄部落裡大小事務,認為取之於部落,也要回饋於部落。 From Truku Village, Ren-ai Township, Nantou County. As a Seediq , Pitu·Hane graduated from the Indiogenous Program of the Communication and Design at I-Shou University and also studying at the Institute of Public Affairs Management of National San Yat-sen Universit. He likes to record contemporary daily life through images, and also like to record tribal affairs, big and small. through images, He believes that what he takes from the tribe must also be given back to the tribe.

Malu ume是賽德克族Truku語「運氣、命運」的意思。此紀錄片拍攝對象為一位年輕的獵人,獵人認為能夠被獵補的動物是得來不意的「禮物」,身為獵人必須具備豐富的狩獵知識、了解地理環境,在日常生活中實踐Gaya文化,並且遵守禁忌,祖先才有可能賜予運氣或命運,意思是才有機會得到獵物。當現在的生活環境愈來愈便利,但為何部落的青年還需要上山打獵?打獵對青年的重要性為何?這當中有什麼價值需要被主流社會了解,或是傳給下一代?即為本片所想探討的。  Malu ume means "luck or destiny" in the Truku language of the Seediq people from Taiwan Indigenous. The film is named after this, because the subject is a young hunter. He once said that animals that can be hunted are unexpected "gifts". As a hunter, you must have more experience hunting knowledge, understand the geographical environment, practice Gaya (Gaya is mean our law or daily behavior rule) culture in daily life, and abide by taboos. Only by this , the ancestors may be given this luck or destiny, which means you have a chance to get prey.

Even the living environment is becoming more and more convenient, why do indigenous youth still need to go hunting in the mountains? Why is hunting important to young people? What value does this need to be understood by mainstream society or passed on to the next generation?

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