The Woman Carrying the Prey
Director:Rngrang‧Hungul /YU Hsin-lan (Truku)
Length:1h 9m

余欣蘭 / Rngrang Hungul / Yu Hsin-lan
余欣蘭從《Mgaluk Dowmung正在連結銅門—銅門部落家族故事影像紀錄》延伸出女獵人系列支線,記錄母親走入山林狩獵過程,完成兩部作品《我是女人,我是獵人:筆記版》與《山上的人》,並製作《揹獵物的女人》紀錄長片,持續關注當代原住民的狩獵議題。2022年《我是女人,我是獵人:筆記版》獲得「MATA TIFF 台灣原住民族文化影視節」新視野影像競賽首獎;《山上的人》獲得「花蓮短片創作獎」最佳導演獎、評審團特別獎等獎項。
YU Hsin-lan, originated from the Truku tribe, whose ethnic name is Rngrang.Hungul, Rngrang being her first name and Hungul in her father's name.
Rngrang's works are based on long-term visual fieldwork and focus on contemporary issues of indigenous people. She excels in transforming daily situations and intimate personal experiences of the tribe into creative elements from a woman's perspective, thereby debating the positioning and methods of reconnecting individuals with traditional culture in contemporary society. Her recent works include Mgaluk Dowmung, Connecting with Dowmung, Woman the Hunter, The Woman Carrying the Prey , Mountain Keepers.

本片紀錄著Heydi Mijung,身為太魯閣族的女性同時也是部落裡唯一的女獵人,遵循著祖訓Gaya,實踐了他所守護的森林。隨著冬天來臨,Heydi帶著姪兒重返舊獵場,重新開路與巡視獵徑,為期四個月的狩獵季節,Heydi在自己守護了一輩子的土地上,一步一步帶著姪兒進入他的狩獵世界。
The Woman Carrying the Prey expresses women's perseverance and strength by extension. "Carrying" is not only about the physical weight, but also about the continuation of the hunter's traditional hunting culture. The relationship between human, ecology and animal interdependence is gradually built up through the daily life of a female hunter in the mountains.
This film is about Heydi Mijung, a woman of the Truku and the only female hunter in the tribe, who follows the ancestral tradition of Gaya, practices the traditional hunting skills of the Truku, and maintains the balance of the entire forest with her hunting methods. As winter approaches, Heydi returns to the old hunting grounds with her nephew to retrace the path and inspect the new hunting trails. During the four-month hunting season, Heydi leads her nephew step by step into her hunting world on the land she has been guarding for a lifetime.