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Finding Sayun

不一樣的月光 / Finding Sayun

導演 Director:陳潔瑤 Laha Mebow(泰雅族Atayal)
國別 Nationality:台灣 Taiwan
年份 Year:2011
長度 Length:1h 39m

陳潔瑤 / Laha Mebow 台灣第一位原住民女導演,泰雅族人。世新大學廣電系畢業,從事影視行業20多年,以拍攝原住民電影、紀錄片為主,已完成三部電影劇情長片。

第二部劇情長片《只要我長大》獲2016台北電影節最佳劇情片、最佳導演、百萬首獎等五項大獎,並於當年代表台灣參加奧斯卡外語片。近年也跨域與不同國家合作原住民短片與紀錄片,並赴紐西蘭參與跨國劇本開發。 Laha Mebow, Atayal, the first female Taiwan indigenous director. She had been working in movie industry for more than 20 years, and made 3 feature films so far.

Lokah Laqi, her second feature film, won five awards at 2016 Taipei Film Awards, including the Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Grand Prize, also competed for Oscar Best Foreign Language Film. She has collaborated with various overseas practitioners on indigenous short films and documentaries, and went to New Zealand to participate in the development of transnational scripts.



於是隨著老人的腳步,展開了一段深山的驚險歷程,也解開了劇組對深藏在山裏幾十年的秘密…… A forgotten community legend arouses the curiosity of the film crew from the outside world. It’s the story of a teenage girl Sayon from Tayal community, whereas the legend was buried deep in the mountains for more than 60 years. The people of the community back then had long left the mountains. Their memories of that time were vague, and they had different stories of Sayon. It arouses the curiosity of the film crew even more…

Following the old man’s footsteps, we embark on a treacherous journey to the mountains, and reveal the hidden secrets of decades in there…

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