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山形島嶼:一段歌頌 / Mountain Land: A Celebration

山形島嶼:一段歌頌 / Mountain Land: A Celebration

導演 / Director:王欣如 / Kris Ong
國別 / Country:新加坡 / Singapore
年份 / Year:2022
長度 / Length:22m
分級 / Rating:輔12級 / PG-13

王欣如 / Kris Ong 王欣如是來自新加坡的編劇和導演。她的編劇作品包括新加坡、韓國合製的電影《花路阿朱媽》(2022),該片由何書銘執導,陳哲藝擔任監製,王欣如因此片入圍金馬獎最佳原著劇本獎。作為導演,她的短片和音樂錄影帶曾在超過30個影展中放映。王欣如也是亞洲影視公司陌陌工作室聯合創辦人,該公司是亞洲最大獨立製作公司之一的Beach House Pictures和盧森堡RTL集團的內容產製巨擘Fremantle的一部分。 Kris Ong is a screenwriter/ director from Singapore. Kris’s list of writing credits includes the Singapore/Korean feature film Ajoomma (2022) directed by He Shuming and executive produced by Anthony Chen, for which she was nominated for a Golden Horse Award for Best Original Screenplay. As a director, her short films and music videos have collectively been screened at over 30 film festivals. Kris is also the co-founder of Asian film & TV company Momo Film Co, part of Beach House Pictures and Fremantle.

一座虛構的島嶼,其形狀如人體,無法被征服或完全理解。《山形島嶼:一段歌頌》採用檔案和新拍攝的鏡頭,來講述一個關於冒險和發現的故事,探索我們與身體、地球和氣候之間的關係。 A film about a fictional island shaped like a human body that cannot be conquered or fully understood. Mountain Land uses a mix of archive and newly filmed footage to tell a story of adventure and discovery, exploring our relationship with our body, earth, and climate.

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