樹房子 / The Tree House
導演 / Director:張明貴 / Trương Minh Quý
國別 / Country:新加坡、越南、法國、德國、中國 / Singapore, Vietnam, France, Germany, China
年份 / Year:2019
長度 / Length:1h 24m
分級 / Rating:保護級 / PG
張明貴 / Trương Minh Quý
張明貴,1990 年出生於越南中部高原一個名為邦美蜀的小城市。2010年,開始從事獨立電影製作。張明貴是 2016 年柏林國際電影節的成員。2016年,其首部電影《鏡像之城:虛構家庭詩篇》入選釜山國際電影節和新加坡國際電影節。2018年,他擔任新亞洲電影人集體電影工作坊的首位導師。
張明貴與中國製片人郭曉東合作的第二部電影《樹房子》入選2019年盧卡諾電影節「當代影人新導演」,劇情短片《Les Attendants》入選了2021 年柏林電影節短片競賽單元。
Trương Minh Quý, was born in Buon Ma Thuot, a small city in the Central Highlands of Vietnam in 1990. In 2010 he began to follow independent filmmaking. He is the alumnus of 2016 Berlinale Talents . In 2016, his first film The City of Mirrors: A Fictional Biography was selected by Busan International Film Festival and Singapore International Film Festival. He was the first tutor of New Asian Filmmakers Collective's film workshop in 2018. His 2nd film, The Tree House was a collaboration with Chinese producer Xiao-Dong Guo and was selected by Cineasti del Presente of Locarno Film Festival in 2019. His short fiction film Les Attendants was selected by Berlinale short competition in 2021.
2045 年,一名生活在火星上的男子,正在研究他在越南叢林中與一個原住民社區接觸時帶回的素材影像。 在實驗過程中,他的思緒從身分、美學、圖像製作的政治學,到葬禮儀式,再到形塑文化那可見和不可見的力量。《樹房子》融合了科幻小說和民族誌的元素,有力地探索了時間和環境與我們對家的理解之間的關係。
A man living on Mars in the Year 2045 examines footage brought back from his encounters with an indigenous community in the jungles of Vietnam. As he experiments, his thoughts drift from matters of identity, aesthetics, and the politics of imagemaking, to ritual burial practices, to the seen and unseen forces that shape cultures. Combining elements of science fiction and ethnography, The Tree House is a powerful exploration of how time and environment relate to our understanding of home.