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LOIMATA The Sweetest Tears

甜蜜的眼淚 / LOIMATA The Sweetest Tears

導演 Director:Anna Marbrook
國別 Nationality:紐西蘭 New Zealand
年份 Year:2020
長度 Length:1h 34m 10s

安娜‧馬布克 / ANNA MARBROOK 紐西蘭導演安娜‧馬布克高超的敘事能力,以及透過與地方意見領袖合作來頌讚太平洋原住民的能力與深度,使其聞名影壇。


New Zealand Director Anna Marbrook is recognised for her highly collaborative approach to storytelling and her skill in partnering with key community leaders to activate stories that celebrate the power and depth of indigenous leadership across the Pacific. Her latest feature LOIMATA The Sweetest Tears won the Grand Prix at FIFO and Best Documentary at the New Zealand Television wards.

此片是導演安娜‧馬布克向偉大的毛利船造船人、水手和導師 Ema Siope 最後一次航行的致敬之作。在紐西蘭與薩摩亞的航行之間,安娜‧馬布克尋求心靈的療癒,以及其家族如何回頭審視過去所遭受的剝削,此紀錄片成為了極具力量的紀錄。

《甜蜜的眼淚》 是一部關於移民、心靈、航行、療癒和回家的旅行記事,直視延續世代的創傷,Siope一家回到了他們的家鄉薩摩亞,最終,家人之間對彼此無條件的愛,訴說成一個令人動容的溫暖故事,而他們之間的相互承諾,完整了生命。

Director Anna Marbrook honours the last voyage of the great waka maker, sailor and mentor Ema Siope, whose journeys between New Zealand and Sāmoa in search of healing, and her family’s reckoning with systemic abuse, are powerfully documented.

LOIMATA, The Sweetest Tears is a chronicle of journeys – journeys of migration, spirituality, voyaging, healing and coming home. Confronting intergenerational trauma head on, the Siope family returns to their homeland of Sāmoa. The result, a poignant, tender story of a family’s unconditional love for each other, and their commitment to becoming whole.

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