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el Diablo

魔鹿伊威安捷 wianch, el Diablo Venado / Iwianch, the Devil Deer

導演 Director:José Cardoso (Achuar/Shuar)
國別 Nationality:厄瓜多Ecuador
年份 Year:2020
長度 Length:1h 31m

何西‧卡督所 / José Cardoso 何西的小說、動畫和紀錄片作品主要圍繞在超現實主義、良心主義以及反殖民主義主題上,曾入選義大利RAI Pulcinella大獎、錫切斯影展、法國圖魯茲Cinélatino電影大賞、古巴哈瓦那影展等,榮獲第59屆安阿伯電影大獎,威尼斯影展、Ícaro國際電影節、澳洲國際電影節大獎、2021中國新媒體短片節大獎(CSFF)。 José's work on fiction, animation, and documentaries films on themes that revolve around surrealism, conscience, and anti-colonialism, has been selected for the RAI Pulcinella, SITGES Cinema Fantàstic, Cinélatino Toulouse, La Habana, among others. Winner of awards at 59th AAFF, FINCALI, Ícaro de Centroamérica, FICA (Argentina) and the CSFF (China), 2021.


在尋找失蹤男孩的過程中,無意間觸碰了雨林的秘密以及亞馬遜族對於死後世界的想像,這使得紀錄片導演對於現實世界的真實感逐漸模糊…… An enigmatic presence haunts the depths of the Amazon rainforest, where an indigenous Achuar teenager has disappeared. During the search for the young man, secrets of the rainforest and Amazonian visions of life after death are touched, vanishing the documentary filmmaker’s concepts of reality.

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